Steph So Smooth?

I’m not smooth when it comes to romancing a man, I’m quite the opposite- I’m nervous, start to babble, play hard to get and act like I don’t want to be touched. I tense up and attempt to avoid intimacy. Even when I’m seconds away to getting it on, I crack a stupid joke. One night, I was getting ready to get in bed with my boyfriend…candles lit, sexy lingerie. I hadn’t seen my boo all day. I was so looking forward to getting in bed. Before I joined him, I tilt my head directly toward the candles to blow them out. And as I blew, the hot wax sprayed up directly into my eyeballs, drying up in my eyes. I spent the rest of the evening hovering over the bathroom sink. Man, what do you know about hot wax hardening into your eyeballs?

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