
Things have changed since I last wrote. 31 RAX is no longer on 3309 Mission Street. I’m restructuring my business. I went to NYC and found inspiration that saved my soul. I got hit on by a gorgeous woman and was reminded of how it feels like to be desired. Too bad I love the d.  And I’m so focused and ready to make my dreams come true. 30’s right around the corner and I’m happy with my life and the direction I’m going.

…not everything has changed though. My ex boyfriend still ignores me in the street like I don’t exist. The shit bugs me until I shake it off. It’s good to know I can loose it from time to time. I was beginning to worry. I’m don’t want to be a robot.  I visit quite often. Dancing STILL saves my life. I love to learn about people. I talk to everyone. I’m still crop topping. I still style. I still sell vintage. I still sing. I still love sour patch candies and jelly bellies. I’m still a pusher that intends to bring out the best in people.

I’m taking my life to a new place, a new direction. Focus is involved – which is new for me. And I’m saving my energy and time for myself and what I love. It’s amazing. I’m getting to know myself and I’m liking me. Things have never been so clear.  I’m finally at peace in my guts.  30 here I come. Love and Light. I’m not resisting. Anymore.

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